Some way or Another

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Written by Liora Afilalo

I am from the cozy, soft, white chair in my room
From sports fields and good books
I am from climbing, swinging, and running everywhere
And from “We need to sign Liora up for this sports class”
And “Stop putting your leg up everywhere.”
I am from the sweet, juicy pineapple that I love
Whose tingling sensation makes me feel warm on the inside
I am from the gymnastics mats where I’ll do Acro for hours
And dancing and stretching lots of places I go
I am from Ari (who’s always optimistic)
And Brigitte (who loves to walk)
I am from my mom’s banana chocolate chip muffins
And my dad’s famous, creamy Wacky Mac
I am from these moments when it’s all laughter and smiles.




A Wish For Israel